
Arm Exercises and Ab Exercises
Can Create the Best Ab Workouts

If you want to increase the efficiency of your workout and create one of the best ab workouts, try adding arm exercises in between your ab exercises.

As a Personal Trainer, one thing that I hear over and over when I talk to people about starting a workout plan is, "I don't have a lot of time to devote to working out."

So when I give advice, I often recommend supersets. A superset is simply a technique in which you pair two exercises together and perform them one after the other with little to no rest.

This can save time and make your workout more efficient.

Instead of resting after you do an arm exercise; use that time to do an ab exercise. That way you won't have to devote as much time working your core when you finish your lifting routine.

Below are some basic upper body exercises that you can do with dumbbells at a gym or at your home. They are good for both men and women.

If your goal is get in better shape and just tone up, choose a weight that you can do 12-15 times.

If your goal is to build and develop lean muscle, choose a weight that you can do 8-12 times.

Dumbbell Arm Exercises

Bicep Curls

This exercise works the front of the arms.

Starting Position: Stand or sit facing forwards. Hold the dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing forwards.

Form: Exhale and bend your elbows, curling the weight up towards your shoulders. Hold briefly at the top and then slowly lower to the starting position.

Personal Trainer Tips: Keep you posture in good alignment throughout and prevent your back from arching.

Move slowly and in a controlled way; don't let momentum take over.

Use the full range of motion to get the most muscle work.

arm exercises bicep curlsarm exercises bicep curls

Try pairing stability ball ab crunches with bicep curls.

Triceps Kickbacks

This exercise works the back of your arms. This exercise can be done a few ways. You can do both arms at the same time or one arm at a time.

You can also do this exercise with one knee on a bench for added support.

Starting Position: Begin by bending from the hips and bring your trunk parallel to the floor. Hold one dumbbell, and keep your upper arm in-line with your body.

Form: Exhale and straighten your elbow so that your arm is completely straight. Hold briefly at the top and then slowly lower to the starting position.

Personal Trainer Tips: The position of your back is important. Keep your spine in alignment throughout.

Don't let your lower back bend and hunch over. Keep your back straight.

If you're using one dumbbell, place your opposite hand on your hip for support.

triceps kickbacks arm exercises triceps kickbacks arm exercises

Try pairing the plank or the side plank with tricep kickbacks.

Lateral Raises for the Shoulders

This exercise works the shoulders.

Starting Position: Stand or sit with your hands at your sides holding dumbbells.

Form: Exhale and lift your arms out to the side. Hold briefly at the top and slowly lower your arms to the starting position.

Personal Trainer Tips: Keep a slight bend in your elbows.

Lift to shoulder height (about 90 degrees).

Keep your wrists straight as you lift out to the side, and keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and in good posture.

arm exercises lateral raises arm exercises lateral raises

Try pairing bicycle crunches with lateral raises.

Conclusion: Best Ab Workouts with Arm Exercises

These are just some sample arm exercises that you can pair with ab exercises to create one of the best ab workouts.

Here's another sample ab and arm toning workout.

For a list of all the ab exercises on this site, check out the Directory of Abdominal Exercises

And start including ab exercises into your arm workout, and you might find those are the best ab workouts.

Yours in Health,
Charles Inniss PT/PT

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