
Best Butt Exercises with the Exercise Ball to
Tone and Strengthen Your Core

Here are some of the best butt exercises you can do at home or at the gym with an exercise ball.

If you have read my page on the exercise ball then you might remember how it enhances abdominal exercises.

The exercise ball can enhance butt exercises by increasing the range of motion and also by increasing the stability challenge.

Using an exercise ball can increase your core strength and also improve your coordination and core stability.

Here are two of the best butt exercises with an exercise ball.

Straight Leg Ball Bridges

Starting Position: Begin lying on the floor, with your heels resting on the ball.

Form: Begin by pulling your belly button in towards your spine to stabilize your lower back (Drawing-in Maneuver).

Exhale and push through your heels, lifting your hips off the floor. Hold briefly at the top before slowly lowering to the starting position.

Personal Trainer Tips: At the top of the exercise make sure you keep your back in good alignment.

You may use your hands for support and to help balance, but if you want to increase the stability challenge cross your hands over your chest.

Perform 10-20 repetitions and rest 30-60 seconds between sets.

A larger ball may offer increased range of motion.

best butt exercises, stability ball bridges best butt exercises, stability ball bridges

Bent Knee Bridges on the Ball

Starting Position: Begin lying on the floor, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the top of the ball.

Form: Begin by pulling in your belly button towards your spine in order to keep your lower back stable.

Exhale, push through your heels, and lift your hips in the air.

Personal Trainer Tips: Keep your knees bent throughout the exercise.

You may have to re-adjust your feet to maintain them in the correct position.

Make sure you maintain a good position of your back during this exercise.

stability ball bridges, butt exercises exercise ball bridges, butt exercises

Above are two of the best butt exercises you can do with an exercise ball.

They are good for toning the hips and building core stability.

If you do not have an exercise ball, you can do these butt exercises or bridges on the floor.

Remember to include butt exercises in your core workout.

Yours in Health,
Charles PT/PT

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