
Exercise Ball Workout for the Abs
Free Exercise Ball Ab Workout

If you want to work your abs, try this exercise ball workout.

The exercise ball is a popular tool for working your core muscles. Because the ball is slightly unstable, your abs and lower back muscles work harder during exercises.

Following is an exercise ball ab workout consisting of 4 abdominal exercises.

You can do them in straight set fashion, which simply means focus on one ab exercise for 2-3 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

You can do them in super set fashion, which simply means you pair two of them together and alternate between those 2 ab exercises for 2-3 sets before moving on to the next 2 exercises.

Or you can do them in circuit fashion, which simply means that you perform all 4 ab exercises in a row without resting.

Rest after you've finished the 4th exercise and then repeat the circuit 1-2 additional times.

Aim for 10-20 repetitions for each abdominal exercise. Rest when you need it and stretch your hips and lower back after you finish the exercise ball ab workout.

Exercise Ball Workout for the Abs

You can click on the picture to get more information or instructions on how to do the exercise.

stability ball ab exercise Ab Exercise #1 is Stability Ball Piques.

Begin with your feet on the ball and your hands on the floor. Lift your hips into the air, hold briefly and return to the starting point.

swiss ball ab exercises Ab Exercise #2 is the Swiss Ball Exchange between the arms and the legs.

Your body moves like a clam. Place the ball between your feet, lower your legs, then raise your legs and take the ball from between your feet. Bring your arms overhead and repeat.

side crunches on the ball Ab Exercise #3 is Side Crunches on the Stability Ball.

Lie sideways on the ball and cross your top foot over your bottom leg. With your hands behind your head crunch to the side.

stability ball oblique crunches, exercise ball ab workout Ab Exercise #4 is Alternating Crunches on the Stability Ball.

Lie on the ball with your hips just off the edge of the ball. Crunch forward and rotate your body to one side. Repeat and rotate to the other side.

This is a tough ab exercise ball workout. If you're just getting started in a routine, do your best to finish 2-3 sets of each exercise.

If you want to you can substitute any one of these ab exercises with another exercise from the Directory of Abdominal Exercises

I hope your abs are killing you after you finish this exercise ball ab workout.

See you Later,

Yours in Health,

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P.S. Check out my Core Workout Video!

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Click to learn more about the core training.

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