
Free Exercises to Flatten the Stomach
Stomach Toning and Flat Stomach Exercises

The website has tons of free exercises to flatten the stomach.

There are many ways to approach getting a flat stomach, and stomach exercises are only a small part of the equation.

Training Your Natural Girdle

One of the first exercises that trainers recommend is the drawing in maneuver.

The drawing in maneuver is used to re-educate and increase the strength of the transversus abdominus muscle.

The transversus abdominus is often referred to as your natural girdle because its only function is to pull in your belly button and stabilize your lower back and pelvis. Working the transversus abdominus can improve your posture and keep your stomach slightly pulled in.

Upper Ab Exercises

Upper ab exercises focus on toning the upper part of your stomach and involve exercises like crunches and sit ups. If you want to have a well developed mid-section, you should include a variety of movements in your ab workouts.

Lower Ab Exercises

Lower Ab Exercises shift the emphasis to the lower portion of the stomach. Leg raises and reverse crunches are exercises that add a little more emphasis in the lower ab region.

Oblique Exercises

Oblique Exercises shift the emphasis to the sides of your waist. The obliques work extra hard when you twist, rotate, or side bend.

Pictures of Stomach Exercises

This site currently has a 2 part picture directory which contains over 100 stomach exercises.

Here is Part I of the Picture Directory of Ab and Stomach Exercises
Part II: Picture Directory of Ab and Stomach Exercises

Use this site as a resource and share it with others.

And remember to have fun with your stomach workouts.
Yours in Health
Dr. Charles PT/PT

Click to view a list of Free Exercises to Flatten the Stomach.

Read more Fitness Articles About the Abdominals

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My Weight Loss and Fitness Program for Women

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Women's Fitness and Weight Loss Program:
Personal Training Secrets to
Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach

If you want to lose weight and get a flat stomach, my ebook Personal Training Secrets to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach is the answer to your prayers.

It's more than just a list of the best ab exercises.

It's a Complete Women's Fitness Plan with Simple Secrets to Lose Weight and Tone Your Stomach.

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