
Regular Plank Knee Ins on a Bosu Ball
Best Stomach Exercises for Men and Women

Learn all the best stomach exercises for men and women on this site. Below are 2 bosu ball stomach exercise variations to strengthen your core muscles.

The Bosu Ball is one of my favorite tools for core exercises and stomach exercises. Because it's unstable your core and stabilizer muscles must work harder to keep your body in good alignment.

The plank is also a great exercise. So put the plank and the Bosu Ball together to get a great stomach workout.

Plank Position Straight Knee Ins on a Bosu Ball

You can do this exercise from your elbows or your hands. Each one offers slightly different core muscle work, balance challenge, and range of motion. Try them both and use the one you like better.

Starting Position: Begin in a plank position with your hands in a comfortable position on the Bosu Ball. Engage your abs, so that your back is in good alignment.

Form: While keeping your abs and core tight, bring one knee in straight in towards the same elbow, and try to touch your elbow with your knee. Hold for a brief second and then slowly lower to the starting position.

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Personal Trainer Tips: You can do this stomach exercise in alternating fashion or you can focus on one leg at a time.

It is very important to be mindful of the position of your lower back during this exercise. If you feel your lower back arching excessively, think about engaging your abs or take a break and rest for a moment.

Elbows on the Bosu Ball

When the elbows are on the Bosu Ball, you will have a little more tension on the abs because you will be more horizontal to gravity. You will also likely feel less range of motion in the hip when the elbows are on the Bosu Ball, but still attempt to touch your opposite knee to your elbow.

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If you like this exercise, you can also try the oblique knee in version of this stomach exercise.


Often times men and women choose different exercises for their core, but the best stomach exercises for men are also the best stomach exercises for women.

The plank is a very popular core exercise and it can help both men and women, but if you don't have access to a Bosu Ball, there are still many variations of the plank exercise that you can do. You can even do these 2 exercises on the floor or a stability ball.

If you are just beginning your core workout routine, try mastering the basic plank exercise variations first and then progress from there.

Also, visit the Picture Directory of Stomach Exercises to learn more of the best stomach exercises for men and women or try one of the free stomach workouts.

Yours in Health
Dr. Charles

Here's a list of all the abdominal and stomach exercises on this site.

P.S. Check out my Core Workout Video!

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