
Bosu Balance Trainer
Isometric Core Exercises

The Bosu Balance Trainer is a great tool for Core Training. Below are some Isometric Core Exercises using the Bosu Ball.

Isometric exercises are an important part of core training because they teach the body to develop core stability.

Isometric means "same length" or "no movement", so during isometric core exercises there should be little to no movement in the spine.

The Plank Exercise is one of the best isometric core exercises, and by doing the plank exercise on the Bosu Ball you will get an additional boost in coordination and stability.

Bosu Balance Trainer Core Exercises

Core Exercise #1: 2 Leg Plank on the Soft Side

Starting Position: Place your elbows on the top of the Bosu Ball, and assume the plank position.

Form: Keep your abs pulled in to prevent your back from arching. Gently squeeze your calfs, thighs, and hips to keep your body in a straight line. Look towards the floor, so your neck stays in alignment.

Personal Trainer Tips: You may find that you shake a little, but this is normal. Start by holding for 10 seconds, but build up to 60 seconds.

bosu ball planks

Core Exercise #2: 1 Leg Plank on the Soft Side

Starting Position: Place your elbows on the top of the Bosu Ball, and assume the plank position. Slightly lift 1 leg and balance on the other.

Form: Keep your abs pulled in to prevent your back from arching. Gently squeeze your calfs, thighs, and hips to keep your body in a straight line. Look towards the floor, so your neck stays in alignment.

Personal Trainer Tips: When you lift your leg, make sure that your lower back stays in alignment. No need to lift as high as you can go.

The leg that is on the floor and that side of the body will work much harder. Hold 10-30 seconds on the first leg before switching to the other leg.

bosu ball planks

Core Exercise #3: 2 Leg Plank on the Flat Side

Starting Position: Place your hands on the edges of the bosu balance trainer, and assume the plank position.

Form: Keep your abs pulled in to prevent your back from arching. Gently squeeze your calfs, thighs, and hips to keep your body in a straight line. Look towards the floor, so your neck stays in alignment.

Personal Trainer Tips: With the dome side down, the bosu ball will move a little more underneath you. Make sure your hands stay under your shoulders, and do your best to stay as still as possible.

bosu ball planks

Core Exercise #4: 1 Leg Plank on the Flat Side

Starting Position: Place your hands on the edges of the bosu balance trainer, and assume the plank position. Slightly lift 1 leg and balance on the other.

Form: Keep your abs pulled in to prevent your back from arching. Gently squeeze your calfs, thighs, and hips to keep your body in a straight line. Look towards the floor, so your neck stays in alignment.

Personal Trainer Tips: As with the 1 leg plank on the soft side of the bosu ball, there is no need to lift your leg as high as it will go. Always do your best to maintain good alignment. Hold for 10-30 seconds on each leg.

bosu ball planks

Summary of Bosu Balance Trainer Core Exercises

These are great core exercises that really will help you develop core stability. Alignment is really important, so make sure that there is a straight line from your ankles, knees, hips, and spine. Pay particular attention to the position of the lower back and the neck, and do your best to use the drawing-in maneuver to keep your abs pulled in.

If you do not have access to a bosu ball, try the floor variations of the plank or visit the Directory of Abdominal Exercises to learn all the abdominal exercises on this site.

Additional Pages on the Bosu Balance Trainer
4 of the Best Abdominal Exercises on the Bosu Ball
Lower Ab Exercises on the Bosu Ball
Lower Ab Crunches on the Bosu Ball
Crunches on the Bosu Ball
Overview of the Bosu Balance Trainer

Have Fun and Train your Core.

Charles Inniss, DPT

Return to Core Exercises for a Better body and Core Training Tips

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