
Lower Stomach Exercises
Flat Stomach Exercises on an Ab Bench

Here are 2 good lower stomach exercises on an ab bench.

The Ab Bench is a bench declines and has handles for your hands or pads for your feet so that you can perform different stomach exercises.

Both exercises are great flat stomach exercises, but if you really want to decrease the size of your waist you must pay particular attention to your eating habits and use a comprehensive fitness approach that includes weight training and aerobic exercise.

Flat Stomach Exercises are not enough by themselves to magically give you a model like body. Spot Reduction is the #1 Stomach Exercise Myth.

Flat Stomach Exercises/ Lower Stomach Exercises #1:
Vertical Hip Thrusts on an Ab Bench

Starting Position: Begin by lying on an ab bench or a regular weight lifting bench with your legs straight in the air. Place your hands over your head and grab onto the bench for support.

Form: Exhale and lift your feet straight in the air towards the ceiling. Move as far as you feel comfortable. Hold for a brief moment at the top and then slowly lower your hips back down towards the bench.

Personal Trainer Tips: This is a really advanced stomach exercise, and it requires a lot of core strength.

If you are a beginner, I would suggest mastering easier exercises such as reverse crunches and then leg raises before trying the vertical hip thrusts.

You will definitely feel muscle work in your arms, but make sure that you do not feel any strain in your neck.

ab exercisesab exercises

Flat Stomach Exercises/ Lower Stomach Exercises #2:
Oblique Vertical Hip Thrusts on an Ab Bench

Starting Position: This exercise begins just as the previous exercise. The difference will be in the form.

Form: Exhale and lift your feet towards the ceiling. As you get halfway up, shift your hips to one side and continue lifting in the air with your hips twisted to one side.

Hold briefly at the top, but stay twisted. Untwist your body as you get about halfway down towards the bench.

Personal Trainer Tips: You can perform this flat stomach exercise in 2 ways. You can focus on one side at a time and do 8-15 reps or you can alternate sides and aim for 8-20 reps.

Just like vertical hip thrusts, this is a really tough stomach exercise. With the vertical hip thrust you will feel fatigue and burning in your entire abdominal region. During the Oblique hip thrust, you will feel more direct muscle work in the sides.

oblique ab exercisesoblique ab exercises


These are great stomach exercises, but they are really challenging. To view pictures of all the stomach exercises on this site visit the Picture Directory of Abdominal Core and Stomach Exercises.

Start of by mastering the basics and move on to more challenging exercises as you get stronger.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Charles PT/PT

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